Website Questionnaire Email For a website discussion or proposal, please complete this form. Fill out as many of of the fields as possible. This will help us have a productive discussion about your project. You will automatically receive an email containing the information you submit. I look forward to speaking with you! - Karen First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Company / Organization * Title / Position * Current Website URL (or none) * What are your primary goals for your website? * What do you want visitors to do as a result of visiting your site? * e.g. call you, buy something, subscribe, donate Primary Audience * What will your Primary Audience be looking for? What types of information would they need in order to take the action you want them to take? * Are there any Secondary Audiences for your site? How would their actions or needs differ from the Primary Audience? How important is it for your website content to be easily found via search engines? How else are you attracting new visitors? What types of functions would you like on the site? * e.g. blog, events, photo gallery, newsletter signup, social follow, social share, data collection form, purchase form, secured area, multiple languages, etc. How many pages do you foresee in the initial development? * e.g. 4-5 pages, including home, about, services, contact Do you already have a domain name and hosting in place? Tell me about it. * Where is your domain registered? Where is it hosted? Do you have access to your hosting and domain accounts? Are you open to changing hosts? Will you or anyone on your staff want to edit the website? * no yes What's your target timeframe for launch of your new website? Is there a particular event driving that date? * Do you have a budget range in mind for your website? Website projects are typically $3K and up. Is there anything else you want to tell me that would help in creating a proposal?